
What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic Astrology is an ancient science from India. It uses advanced calculations and symbolism of the planets and the stars to see a snap shot of the sky at the time of your birth. It can provide deep awareness about the timeline of the self, awarding confidence in the future, peace of mind and freedom.


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What is Prashna?

Prashna is the ancient Indian art of asking specific questions to an intuitive reader of charts, oracles, and omens. It is used when people are at a cross roads and or would like to consult the Super-Conscious or Paramatma for guidance in making a decision.  Like "What will happen if...?"

How can Vedic Astrology Help Me?

If we know who we truly are in this life and the karma we have to work with, it gives us massive leverage to hone in and get focused on how we can make the biggest impact for ourselves and others. We can  prepare for what lies ahead and get clarity in areas that may be causing problems so we can eliminate them and move ahead with confidence and live a life of fulfillment and happiness.

Vedic Astrology can help with:

  • Gaining Deeper Understanding of Self
  • When is the best time for marriage, promotion etc...
  • Balancing energies within the home
  • Stop making the same mistakes
  • What careers could/should I do best
  • Making the best of difficult family circumstances
  • Managing Major transformation
  • Managing an international move/relocation
  • Stopping old habits
  • Balancing chaotic times

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Astrology is not a proven science or exact method of seeing everything in your life. It's a spiritual guidance that one may or may not accept. There is nothing definite in astrology and nothing can ever be predicted 100%. Never fully rely on astrology for an absolute answer.

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