Lakshman Prabhu Das

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Lakshman Prabhu Das

Certified Astrologist and Life Coach

Find Your Truth. Discover your true self and get to the heart of the matter. Uncover the secrets of what really makes you tick to take your life to the next level.

Welcome to Astrology and Advice. I started my journey in Vedic sciences when I received a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in 1997. My search to find answers to life's greatest questions about my place in the world and the nature of the soul and karma had begun. Those days were amazing. I can remember the incense smell of the pages in the book and how all life came more alive and vibrant, especially when I started chanting and meditating. I have since taken shelter of traditional lineage called the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya and was initiated by Gayatri mantra's into the bhakti yoga path on the full moon of June 11, 2006. My beloved spiritual master is Nitya Lila Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaja.

Astrology for me in the early days never made much sense. Western Sun sign readings didn't help me figure out what to do, understand my life or situations. But once I learned about my Ascendant and the deeper dynamics of vedic astrology and the Nakshatra's life made so much more sense. I felt like I had finally found myself and duty in this life. I started to follow the phases and Nakshatra's of the moon, and paid attention to the events and situations around me. I started to see patterns and uncanny events that kept proving to me without a doubt there was truly something tangible and highly valuable to self discovery and the timing of action. So I began to take astrology more seriously as a real tool in my life. Not just some pseudoscience 'ya right as if the planets have any kind of influence' attitude which I used to have. I am blown away everyday with it's incredible accuracy. My astrology teacher Kapiel Raaj says, "vedic astrology.... is an actual mathematical chess that has to be played right."

Ultimately pure Bhakti Yoga is my only faith and Astrology is only a tool for navigating this life that assists in my devotional service. Bhakti always comes first and because of that daily practice and faith it allows me to sincerely  serve my clients and read their charts from a place of honesty and integrity. I give practical life tools. No gemstones, yantra's or anything like that. I also have training and a Mentoring certificate from the Robbins Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention which I use in my one on one deep sessions to help clients live life on their term and over come their deepest challenges permanently.

This website is for you to discover the deeper secrets of your true self, find solutions, and take action to live a fulfilled life of happiness and bliss.

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Astrology is not a proven science or exact method of seeing everything in your life. It's a spiritual guidance that one may or may not accept. There is nothing definite in astrology and nothing can ever be predicted 100%. Never fully rely on astrology for an absolute answer.

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