Shama Priya

Syama Priya_head shot

Shama Priya

Head Counsellor and Oracle Reader

I have worked with people from all walks of life. I started learning prashna at a young age from my Gujarati (Indian) family members. That started my journey in the divination arts. I can give you precise answers to your questions, and help you uncover what you really want to know. Prashna enables you to .

I have worked with people from all walks of life. I started learning prashna and reading oracles at a young age from my Gujarati (Indian) family members. That started my journey in the divination arts.

I began my vedic studies in the late eighties and have traveled extensively around India learning the art of bhaki yoga. I received diksha initiation and was given gayatri mantra's by my holy master Nitya Lila Pravishta Om Srila Narayana Maharaja in 1996 into the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya. I am a daily practitioner of sanatan dharma. 

I primarily like to use cast oracles that require physical throwing of coins or seeds. the Rama Oracle was traditionally done using Lotus seeds but any large beans will also work. I discovered the Rama Oracle in my travels throughout India and have since shared my original book Rama Mantra's with a publishing company who printed the popular divination deck we see today. I also use the I-Ching as a secondary reading to get further details or confirmations in my readings.

I can give you precise answers to your questions, and help you uncover what you really want to know. Prashna enables you to start an upward spiral in your life and reach your true potential.

In my Counselling Services I give people a safe and caring space to tell their story and go deeper. The deeper they go, the more they understand it for themselves. I facilitate my clients to find their own solutions. I shine a light on what is already there. I give them the tools; they take the journey. Counseling is healing in itself. It reverses the downward spiral that we sometimes find ourselves in. I recommend it for anyone who wants to reach their true potential as a confident, content, compassionate individual.

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Astrology is not a proven science or exact method of seeing everything in your life. It's a spiritual guidance that one may or may not accept. There is nothing definite in astrology and nothing can ever be predicted 100%. Never fully rely on astrology for an absolute answer.

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