Personal Vedic Astrology Reading

Personal Vedic Astrology Reading



» Personal Horoscope Reading for Any Question.
» Get an Edge on Life – Deep Dive into the Secrets of the Self
» Find Our What to Expect for Your Current Planetary Cycle.
» A 72 page Comprehensive Detailed PDF Jyotish Report
» COSMIC COMPASS Life Planner Fill-able Workbook

Price in $ CAD Canadian Dollars



What’s included is your purchase?:
(((((( BE SURE TO Add Your Time, Place and Date in Additional Information at Checkout along with your Question.

1. Personal Jyotish READING of your 3 Primary Charts Revealing the Secrets of the Self. What Makes you Really Tick for This Life and Advice for Any Question?

  • Ask any Question and we will do a comprehensive Vimshottari Dasa Reading of the primary planetary cycle that is governing your life right now and learn details of what to expect related to your question for that period,
  • You also Get:
  • A synopsis of your Rising Sign Ascendant and Nakshatra. (this is the key to understanding your life and thyself)
  • A synopsis of your Lunar Nakshatra. (this is your mind and how you think)
  • A synopsis of your D9 Navamsha Ascendent and Nakshatra. (This is the main secondary chart to consider for marriage, your gifts and luck, and the direction and destiny of the second half of life – what you become or transform into)  

2. A 72 pg HOROSCOPE REPORT that includes: PDF

  • Planets Accurate Degrees, Houses and Signs.
  • All Life Area Charts for Relationship, Career, Family, Health… – Divisional Charts
  • Special Moon Position and specific insight for the sign, marriage, and characteristics. Lunar Nakshatra
  • Nature and Temperament
  • Planetary Deities
  • Explanation of all Planets specific to you including Rahu and Ketu/ North and South node’s – Interpretation of auspicious and challenging areas
  • Planetary Strengths – Shad Bala
  • Aspects from each Planet and their strengths in %
  • Strengths of each House – Ashtakavarga
  • Ruling Cycles of Life – Maha Dasa – The Great Planetary Cycles from birth to 120yrs
  • Beneficial Chart Alignments – Yoga’s related to your nature, charity, education, profession, marriage, children, siblings, health, wealth, status and achievements and cancellations.
  • All Major Saturn Cycles Affects and Remedies – Sadhesati
  • Influence of Planets on Physiology
  • *** Transits for the next Six Months – Influence and interpretations ***

Click for Example  » QUEEN ELIZABETH II «

3. COSMIC COMPASS Life Planner  PDF (As seen on Amazon)
Never Get Lost in the Chaos  ©

You will receive your e-mail and pdf files as soon as possible but no longer than
14 days. Please contact if you haven’t received it sometimes we are swamped.

***********ATTN: You MUST input your e-mail and birth details in the Additional Information” area at Check Out. Without we can not do the reading. Details include Birth Time, Place, and Date. Blessings!!***********

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