Prashna- Quick Decision Help

Prashna- Quick Decision Help

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Prashna – What’s Your Question?
Gain insight, clarity and guidance about your relationships, career or any situation with a Traditional Authentic Oracle Reading.
Price in $ CAD Canadian Dollars


Prashna simply means Question. To ask the divine wisdom of the Universe to provide us with the necessary guidance to make an informed decision. Since all decisions lead to an unknown future, the higher intelligence of the cosmos is a greater authority to guide your choices. When we put our faith in Paramatma the Super Soul the power of the universal mind will give you advice. The power rests in the purity, intuition, and sincerity of the practitioner and the faith of ones who’s in need of direction.   

We use two Traditional Authentic Oracles. We use The Rama Oracle, I-Ching and Tarot. 

It is important to ask an open ended question to make an informed choice with your internal wisdom. Not a yes or no questions.

The most common questions are about situations regarding relationships, relocation, and career.

To get the most out of your question we advise asking in the following format:

  • What will life be like if I do this thing, move here, take this job?…etc
  • Or  What will life be like if I don’t do this thing, don’t move there, don’t take that job…etc
  • Or What is the bigger picture of this current situation with my marriage, kids, business contract, the people involved, the  property and so on?

You will receive an answer in your email within 48 hours

***********You MUST input your Email and Question in the Additional Information at Check Out. Without this we can not do the reading. Blessings***********

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