Chandra – The Moon | Planets Vedic Astrology


Lakshman Prabhu Das

Jun 9,  2021

Chandra – The Moon | Mother and Mind


As the Moon reflects the light of consciousness from the Sun, we are enthusiastically moved to act, to experience objects of desire seated in the heart mind(citta), via the network of senses. The moon shapes our conscious identity by influencing our subjective opinions, desires and emotions. Astrologically the moon is the second hand on the cosmic clock of time and is the main key factor in the changes and transformations of our entire life span and our everyday lives. It is the fluid within our bodies. It creates the tides of the ocean and as we are made of mostly water, we are also moved by the ebbs and flows of the lunar cycles. The moon first and foremost represents our lust. It is the part of us that wants that thing! The cosmic information of our past lives, our thoughts, sins, habits and traits embedded in our body are activated by the moon like a wifi signal of energy. He rides on a majestic chariot pulled by the highly reproductive deer and visits twenty seven of his wives of which Rohini is his favorite. These deep constellations known as Lunar Mansions are the residents of each wife, and their qualities influence the nature of each day. As the moon visits each Nakshatra he brings his own mood to the mix by his phases. The Nakshatra who Chandra Deva was visiting at the time of your birth influences the nature of your thinking patterns, passions and drives. In the ancient Hindu Vedic sanskrit text of the Bhagavad Gita 10.21 Sri Krishna says...


                  ādityānām ahaṁ viṣṇur jyotiṣāṁ ravir aṁśumān
                  marīcir marutām asmi nakṣatrāṇām ahaṁ śaśī

“Of the Ādityas I am Vishnu, of lights I am the radiant sun, I am Marici of the Maruts, and among the stars I am the moon.”


Be aware of the fifteenth day of each cycle, either the new or full moon, and the days surrounding them. Full moons increase our passionate desires while new moons intensify our insecurities. Learning the phases of the moon, called tithis, will create balance and a greater knowing of the energies at play throughout everyday life. Chandra in his debilitated position of Scorpio can’t get away with anything. He is like a con man in a house of omniscient mystics who know all the moon’s tricks. His seductive nature is no match for the house of secrets, who reveal his mischievous cunning. If he tries anything he gets caught out. Look at the moon everyday with your naked eye as much as possible.  For challenges with the Moon develop empathy and forgiveness. Remember we are all in the cosmic wheel of samsara, (birth, death, old age, and disease) suffering or enjoying our past actions in different bodies like changing garments. We are spiritual beings having a material experience. If you have been wronged, then a past life debt has been paid. If you hold on to resentment the heart-mind will reflect that bent and twisted part into your perception of the word around you. So it must be let go for peace of mind.


To learn more about the position and details of your moon go here      KNOW THYSELF | Chart Overview


Vedic Astrology | The Sun

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