Suryadeva – The Sun | Planets in Vedic Astrology

Surya Deva

Lakshman Prabhu Das

Mar 4,  2021

Surya Deva – The SUN | Ego and Consciousness


In the astrological calendar the sun is like consciousness. It brings abundance and direction from its light. Its rays can penetrate beyond our ordinary senses like in the ultraviolet. The sun represents an eternal living force of energy in the universe, but is uniquely itself apart from all other suns. All the sun’s qualities of energy exist within the sun’s ray, but not the quantity. It represents the soul on a high level and ego on a lower. The sun can burn through any doubts and create clarity but can also be covered over by clouds in the sky. The sun can be extremely focused and powerful and carry with it huge broadbands of information. The consciousness of the King is like the pride he has for having courage and strength in the heart. The sun rides on a golden chariot, with dynamic and theatrical charisma. In the Bhagavata Purana of the ancient vedic texts we can find the sun, Surya mentioned over and over. The importance of the Sun in connection with identity is evident with his numerous names given for his numerous attributes and influence.

The personalities related with the sun are of seven categories. In the course of the sun’s orbit there are twelve months, and in each month a different sun-god and a different set of his six associates preside. In each of the twelve months beginning from Vaiśākha there are different names for the sun-god himself, the Sage, the Yakṣa, the Gandharva, the Apsarā, the Rākṣasa and the Nāga, making a total of seven categories.   Srimad  bhagavatam 12.11.27-2


The sun’s debilitated position in Libra shows his materialism to the masses. His opulence contrasts so much that he has to be on guard for any envy or rebellious attitudes. The King will do better to tone it down when he goes among the people to gain their favour. So wherever the sun is in your birth chart take care with any pride or judgement you may have in that area. Because the sun is also ego. And ego can trick you. That is why the Sun is a semi malefic planet since its drive towards identity and individuality can be difficult to work with. The sun can carry a sense of righteousness debilitated in the ninth house for example. Since the ninth house has a moral aspect about it, it comes out with a sense of knowing it all for being so highly moral and can push people away as a result. So taking care to show compassion in some form is a great way to harness the respect and power of the sun.

How can you bring more compassion into the world?

If you would like to know where the Sun is in your chart Click Here  “Know Thyself Chart Overview”


  1. Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.



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